Monday, March 23, 2009

Reviewed Before I've Seen

Knowing, starring Nicolas Cage (Matchstick Men), directed by Alex Proyas (I, Robot)

Nicolas Cage is not an actor that impresses. He has been described as a performer rather than an actor; this is probably the best description of him that I can think of. Because of his "breeding" and being birthed into a Hollywood dynasty, he manages to get fantastic roles that should go to a better actor; in roles that are actually necessary to act, he tends to look very confused, as if he stumbled into the wrong set. Do you get it? I can't stand Nic Cage.

That being said, watching Nic Cage in this trailer, I immediately got bad vibes. As soon as he started talking, I knew this was going to be bad. Nic Cage acting like he's thinking is sort of like watching a brick wall act like it's thinking. The plot sounds like it could be an interesting book about numerology, the way The Da Vinci Code is an interesting book about symbolism and art history. Watching the trailer I think about other movies: Mothman Prophecies, for instance. It's the same sort of conspiracy, heart-pumping movie that requires a lot of shocked and thoughtful looks from it's actors that just isn't very good.

Knowing depends entirely on Nic Cage to pull it off, and I have absolutely no faith in him. If you're going to see it, don't.

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