Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Met Gala

The Metropolitan Museum's Costume Gala is an event in which people are encouraged to wear their more unusual outfits. I'm sure it's great fun, but some people take the costume aspect a little too seriously.

Note Madonna's bizarre costume-

Is that a bird in her hair? Is that thigh-high platform combat boots? (Didn't that go out of style in 1997?) Gloves? I know that Madonna is known for her outlandish outfits, but this seems ridiculous. On the one hand, I want to say "You go girl!" She's taking the woman's privilege of dressing however she wants and taking advantage of it. I think I would forgive her if it wasn't for that ridiculous knot on her head.

Anne Hathaway looked stunning-
Anne Hathaway Met Gala 2009
I don't know what is up with this gathered-at-the-belly look lately, but I really like it. It's very flattering and curvaceous. Her hair and makeup make her look like Kate Beckinsale, but both women are beautiful, so I am not complaining.

Bruce Willis checks out Kate Bosworth
I don't have much to say about this picture except that it's pretty funny.

Jessica Alba is cute-

I love Jessica Alba's sense of style, but note the black leggings. Did Zooey Deschanel start a trend? My favorite part of this outfit is the pink clutch and the earrings. They just pop out at you.

I can't stand Renee Zellweger; she can't act, she's a terrible dresser, and those cheeks are awful. But oh! But oh! Check out that dress! The material, the cut, oh!

Heidi Klum sure knows how to make a photo.

Katy Perry is the new reigning queen of costumes. This outfit is no exception. Her eyes are comically big, she has Wonder Woman-esque bracelets, and what's with the bondage necklace? I love the color of the dress!

1 comment:

ksilver said...

Well if you like comments so much--

Meh, Anne Hathaway is too bad-60s for me in this shot. One of the things I like about her is how modern her beauty is.

That photo with blondie and Bruce Willis is indeed hilarious.

You know, I have cheeks like Renee Zellweger (cries in a corner somewhere) but yeah, something about her screams "off" to me. That dress is stunning, though.

Those bracelets are called "bracers." They're wristgear, originally invented for archer's protection from constantly running their hands around sharp pointy things. I don't know why it's a fashion thing nowadays.